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Hire a WordPress Developer

WordPress (WP) is an amazing content management system, but it’s not the most intuitive software for average users. Popularity has risen because 1 – it’s free (sometimes). 2 – it’s an easy option without using traditional HTML software. 3 – WordPress has a ton of potential, granted you know what you’re doing. To achieve your greatest success, hire a WordPress Developer.

So many people are turning to WordPress for a cheap web alternative, but is it really so cheap? Here’s the harsh truth everyone should know: hire a WordPress developer if you want to succeed. The possibilities are endless to do great things on a WordPress site. Without knowledge of writing code to enhance performance, managing plugins for exceptional functionality, or designing an aesthetically pleasing theme, you’re wasting your time. And time equals money.

Customized Theme By A WordPress Developer

WordPress themes change how your site looks on the front-end. The theme is much more than color and layout, good themes are aesthetically pleasing to improve engagement with your website’s content. WordPress includes installed themes to use, but do you want your design to look like other sites that chose the same default? There are too many remarkable websites to risk not being unique. Hiring a professional is the only way to make it one hundred percent customized.

WordPress Developers Enhance Plugin Functionality

If website functionality is a goal (as it should be), a professional WordPress developer should install plugins. WordPress provides free plugins, but that doesn’t include technical support. WP is an open community site, meaning anyone can write/submit plugins. The negative aspect is you’ll have to filter through good, bad and ugly codes. With nearly 49,000 plugins available on WordPress, how will you know what to use? The improper use of plugins can kill your website. We aren’t talking “set it and forget it” with plugins, either. They need constant management and updates, coddling and hugs. If you think you’re using plugins wrong, or have a specific plugin functionality in mind, shoot us an email anytime.

Increased Performance Speed

With 966 million websites at our fingertips, slow loading sites are immediately abandoned (25% of users leave a site within 4 seconds). Hiring professionals to update your website server, leverage browser caching and remove unnecessary Java Scripts, will increase performance speed. Web hosting providers play a major role in performance speed. Without prior experience and knowledge, you might pick a host that significantly slows down performance speed. It’s crucial that websites are responsive on a mobile device, because 77% of Americans access the internet via smartphones, tablets, Kindles, etc. An experienced developer will build a responsive site.

 If you’re not a professional web developer, you might not know the interwoven necessities it takes to make an extremely powerful WP site. You can fake it for a while, but many of these technical tasks prove to be too complex and time consuming for everyday site owners. In the long run, you’re costing yourself money by not hiring someone from the start.

We’d love for you to pick our brain about your future WordPress site. Your success is our success, and we will take your vision to the next level.


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